Stable identifiers
Herbarium # W 1910-0005481
Collection # W
Stored under taxonname Vicia lutea L. var. bicolor Velen.   tropicos
Family Fabaceae
Det./rev./conf./assigned M. Dimonie
Ident. history orig.: Vicia lutea var. bicolor
Isolectotypus of Vicia lutea L. var. bicolor Velen.
Sitzungsber. Königl. Böhm. Ges. Wiss. Prag, Math.-Naturwiss. Cl. 1910 (8): 5 (1911)
Typified by: D. Reich & C. Pachschwöll (WU) 2019-02-20
Collector Dimonie,M. Plantae macedoniae s.n.
Date 1909-04
Location Greece / Chalkidiki
Label In reg. submontanea Hagion Oros [Mount Athos, Άθως] prope Aja-Anna. ; Alt. 400 m
Habitat In reg. submontanea.
Annotations D.Reich (WU) 2019: one the duplicate in PRC (451159) the printed toponym Aja-Anna was corrected for Prodrom by hand.

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