Stable identifiers
Herbarium # W 2016-0009713
Collection # W
Stored under taxonname Ornithogalum joschtiae Speta   tropicos
Euro + Med Checklist (B)
Family Hyacinthaceae
Det./rev./conf./assigned F. Speta (LI)
Ident. history F. Speta: Ornithogalum joschtiae
Paratypus of Ornithogalum joschtiae Speta
Phyton (Horn) 29 (1): 73-80; figs. 2-4 (1989-05-16)
Typified by: F. Speta (LI) 
Collector wikidata Index of Botanists (HUH) VIAF Bionomia Speta,F. s.n. (link to CETAF Botany Pilot) 
Date 1987-04-29
Location Türkiye / Bursa
Label Türkei, Uludağ; cult Kulm [Kultiviert im Privatgarten von Speta in Kulm, Gemeinde Altenberg (ca. 12 km nördlich von Linz)], Seehöhe: 2000m. ; Alt. 2000 m
Annotations 2n = 18;

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